Monday, September 8, 2008

Edward Scissorhands....

Last Saturday in Ipoh, I was watching this movie called Edward Scissorhands. This movie was released in 1990 during the Christmas season. This movie is about a guy named Edward who was created by a man to be a kind of human who has scissor -hands. But unfortunately the creator of Edward died before he was completed.

So the story continues on how Edward lives in the world without being thought what is good and bad, right and wrong. He was attached to a family through an unexpected coincidence and the story continues where how he makes the people in the neighbourhood happy with his special scissor-hands. He cut all kinds of shapes on trees, hair, and ice.

When all the things goes on well, conflicts arise and he was rejected by his neighbours and many others. And the next part of the story which is the most sad part of the story where Edward will be caught by police and nearly rejected by his family.

At last he will commit a crime by killing a guy. It was really sad to see Edward was pushed away by his only family he knows.

Johnny Depp plays as Edward Scissorhands in this movie....

This movie was released in 1990....

It was really touching.......


DiEsE said...

i love this story!
and i love johhny depp in this movie too.. lol

Hajar Alwi said...

This brings back childhood memories to me. :)