Sunday, April 5, 2009

God's Miracle

A really great miracle happened in my church today. As in my previous post, I said to you guys that it was Palm Sunday and it was a special service. So when the procession was over, our normal church service began at sharp 9am where first the church pastor announce the song and the march right to the front of the altar followed by the church choir, and the Sunday School children. Everything seems to be normal until then something happened. The church LCD was not working. The LCD operator was puzzled as this was the first time he had ever faced something like it before. Many other church members tried to solve the problem but it was in vain. Without the LCD, there wouldn't be any songs on the LCD and we cant sing. Then, our church pastor took the mike as it was his worship today and told us that there was some technical glitches in the LCD and he prayed.

I believed that the whole church prayed with full of faith that the LCD wil work once again without any trouble. Halleluyah! Praise GOD! The LCD just worked immediately after he said AMEN!

The whole church was amazed of what God have done. I really feel good today.Worship led by Rev. Laurence, his wife and daughter

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