Saturday, March 28, 2009

Free books !

I usually go on the internet and browse for something interesting. Either its news, jokes, videos or just sit and chat. I have heard once my friend telling me that using the internet you can get free stuffs sent to your house. When I heard that long ago I did not bother to even try. A few weeks ago, I just tried doing it and on last Wednesday( 25 March 2009), I got a parcel. I wasnt there to recieve it because I was in school. When I came back I saw that I recieved 4 books in a beautiful covered folder kind of thing. I was really happy and amazed to see it. I dont know whether or not I will read the book or not, but if Im too lazy to read it, I might just donate it to my church library. there are some pictures of the book that i recieved.


alex said...


I want too! Mind telling me how to get them? Lolz

Probably u can donate them to me XD
I am particularly interested with "Design of the Age".


yen said...

haha..i want it too..tell me how!!

yen said...

lolz..thanks thanks..i'll try it on..maybe it do works for me as well..